Event box and fixed containers

In my current project I have a large pixmap with a map of the world, and on
top of that I want to display smaller pixmaps which will be flags
indicating ownership of countries (it's a strategy game). What I want to do
is to be able to possibly have a tooltip associated with each flag, showing
the countries name, or perhaps when the pointer moves over the flag info
about the country is displayed in a panel. I also want to be able to select
and area by clicking on it.

The way I have implemented it at the moment is by having a scolled_window
containing a fixed container which in turn contains a) the background
pixmap and b) an event box which contains a flag pixmap, like so:

scroll_win -> fixed container -> event_box (x150)-> flag_pixmap(x150)
                              \> map_pixmap

My question is: Is the current method OK for what I want, or will it use up
massive resources by having an event box for each flag (there will be ~150
flags on the map). Would I be better off by having one large event box
contain the other stuff? Like so:

scroll_win -> event_box -> fixed container -> flag_pixmap (x150)
                                           \> map_pixmap

Any opinions much appreciated


         Dave Swegen           | Debian 2.1 on Linux i386 2.2.3
<dave@recursive.prestel.co.uk> | PGP key available on request
      <dsw@debian.org>         | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

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