gtk-1.2.2 helloworld.c problem

OK. I successfully installed gtk/glib 1.2.2! Linux kernel 2.2.3, glibc-2.0.6, slackware.
Now I have a problem with helloworld.c, didn't see it solved in the FAQ, tutorial
or on reasonably diligent search of for suchlike difficulties.

Here is what I get on compiling helloworld.c:

ld: warning:, needed by /usr/local/lib/, may conflict with
ld: warning:, needed by /lib/, may conflict with
/lib/ the `getwd' function is dangerous and should not be used.
/lib/ the `gets' function is dangerous and should not be used.
/lib/ warning: `siggetmask' is obsolete; `sigprocmask' is best

An executable is produced, but it segfaults in gtk_init_check, traceback:

#0  0x40249aa6 in _IO_vfprintf (s=0xbfffe000, format=0x401fee2e "%s/%s",
    ap=0xbfffe088) at vfprintf.c:905
#1  0x402e87f1 in vsnprintf (string=0x0, maxlen=0, format=0x0, args=0x0)

I am guessing some problem exists with my installation of glibc? libc5 is still there but now
is a secondary library or should be. If this is an obvious thing, sorry to bother you,
but I would really like to use gtk+ for an app I am writing, and this will be the end
unless I can solve it, hopefully with your assistance ...

Thanks for any pointers,

- dave k.

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