Re: [gtk-list] Re: GdkPixmap and Buffers

On Thu, 6 May 1999, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> As it turns out: the data type is internally simply an integer ID
> referring to a server-side resource, possibly across the network. 
> The server has the actual pixmap pixels. To copy, draw a region from one
> pixmap into a region of another with gdk_draw_pixmap(). Both pixmaps must
> be created with gdk_pixmap_new().

Thanks, that fixed the problem.

The one thing i was wondering about though.

gdk_draw_pixmap, like many other gdk functions, is supposed to be passed a
GdkGC*. However I have a lot of functions where there is no gc avialible,
or at least if I try to use widget->style->whatever I get errors. (is this
indicative of bad programing style or something? =) so in desperation,
I've learned to just make a random GdkGC that I can pass into these
funcitons when needed.

What is the GdkGC used for? It doesn't seem to affect the results at all
if I pass in a "real" one or just a random placeholder. I can see what
happens with it when you're creating colors, but the rest of the time it
doesn't seem to have any purpose.


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