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i'm having a bed time to install gtk+1.2.2
to begin with it takes to long to build and install, but thats 486 foult.
the problem is:
1st i installeed glib1.2.2, with configure, make ,make install
2nd i installed gtk+1.2.2 the same way
but then when i try to compile same thing it says it can not
i heard redhat52 already has gtk/glib installed
how do i uninstall them if any.
where should i place glib and gtk
i placed them in /usr/gtk and /usr/glib, is this ok?
do i have to tell the compiler where shoul it find the libs??

is there any compiled gtk and glib versions in the internet?

please explain the steps i must do to get gtk running properly, as if you
were explaining it to a 2 year old boy.

thanks rui

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