Re: A question about box packing and widget/window sizing..

On 2 May 1999, Owen Taylor wrote:
>Note that your constraints actually constrain the possible sizes
>of the toplevel window - so if you don't want to play some
>game with the user of "no, you can't have that size", you
>need to tell the window manager about the constraints.
>I think the following should achive exactly the effect you
> GdkGeometry geometry;
> geometry min_aspect = 1.0;
> geometry max_aspect = 1.0;
> gtk_window_set_geometry_hint (toplevel, drawing_area,
>                               &geometry, GDK_HINT_ASPECT);
>The key here is the geometry_widget argument; if this
>is non-null then the constraints refer not to the toplevel
>as a whole, but to subwidget of the toplevel.

This doesn't work.  In fact it causes the following odd results:
1) Neither NULL nor a non-null value as the geometry_widget arg constrain
the drawing area ("d_a") or the toplevel window at all.
2) Scenario: Executable W (with the above code), Executable WO (without 
the above code), both running on (Linux) machine A.
  Case 1 - Display on X server running on A:  WO gives the expected window
contents, with no constraints on size.  W gives a window containing *only*
the title bar (no packing table, no d_a), and what *would* be the
background (gray rectangles) of the window, offset about -10, -10 relative
to the "title bar window".  Any attempt to resize W results in a core dump
with a BadAlloc. (It appears to be trying to alloc a backing pixmap
roughly 65000 x -10 for some reason.)
  Case 2 - Display on X server on a Win95 machine (Astec-X 2.12 trial): W
and WO both display fine, with the expected window contents, again with no
constraints on size.

Truly bizarre.  Any insights?

> Regards,
>                                        Owen

 ____    Kressin   ____   .-----------------------------------. 
/___ \____________/ __ \  |                  |
    \  \    /      /  \ | | Lead Programmer/Analyst           |
 ___/ __\/\/rench_ \__/ | | University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh |
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