Re: [gtk-list] Splash Screen

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, may have wibbled:

> Has anyone created an app with a splash screen?
> If so, how?

I haven't actually done this but i think the following would work...

Create a transient/borderless window (there's a gtk_window_set_wmclass()
function that i think will do the trick).

Create a pixmap widget with your desired splash-picture on it and set it
as the window's only child.

Set up a timeout with gtk_timeout_add() that will destroy the
splash-screen window after x number of seconds. You could also probably
setup a signal handler to check if the user clicks on the splash screen.

When your timeout function activates, it destroys the splash screen
window, and creates your app's main window(s) as per normal...

Let me know if it works/fails miserably, as i'm only giving out theory


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