Re: [gtk-list] Re: Benchmarking glib (atleast GList)

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Lars Hallberg wrote:

> > A datastructure with fast addition at either end isn't really a list, it's
> > more like a LIFO queue or something. Build it on top of GSList and call it
> > something else (GQueue?).

Actually, this would be a deque.  I've noticed that Glib doesn't have
a queue/deque data type.  Something for the future perhaps? LIFO would
be a stack, not a queue.

a deque could serve as the base for either a queue or stack data
type.  Very useful.  Especially when combined with vectors (dynamic
arrays, more or less)

> I intend to do something like this in GpLib (my C++ wrapper for
> glib) but that will be C++ only :-( Thanks for the naming
> sugestion. GpQueue will be nice, except for the corect spelling being
> so absurd... ;-) For some info on GpLib see:
> Feedback on the design is most welcome...

Most excellent.  I'll check.  The sooner that GTK+, Glib and GDK get
good, well-documented C++ wrappers, the better I'll like it.  Maybe
implemented as templates ala the STL? :)

> I will probably start hacking on lists second half of april...
> Thanks /Lars
> -- 
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