Re: wait crashes X (or worse)

On Sat, Mar 20, 1999 at 01:32:35PM +0000, Brian J. Murrell wrote:

> I am totally befuddled how a process (or series of processes) started
> by an unprivelleged (albeit some of them are suid root) can lock the
> kernel up like that.  I mean this is *not* Windows afterall.

Whell. The X-server have some hairy hardware axcess so if some app shake
a bug in Your particular X-server the Linux kernel may be helples ;-(

And even if the Linux kernel is extremly fine software I expect ther to be
some buggs still to shake out.

Stability is a relativ thing - Even if the extrem gap betwin Windows and
Unix might get us to think about it in absolute messurs ;-)


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