Re: [gtk-list] Re: how can I trust glib when it has so manymemleaks?

   > >
   > > Please detail one thing here: memory is alocated by my program using
   > > glib. You say UNIX will free  all the memory. Why isn't it freeing the
   > > memory allocated by glib also ?
   > It is.

   If system frees this memory, how can glib regain it ?

He's talking about freeing the memory at program termination.  At that
point, glib isn't going to want it any more!  Another process, using
glib (or anything else), is able to get this memory later.

   > > What is the use of ccmalloc if memory is freed by system when my
   > > program finishes ? Just to ensure that my program doesn't grow too
   > > much while running ?
   > Yes, exactly. And as you've discovered, ccmalloc also isn't very smart
   > about even that aspect of memory management.

   Please give me a smarter one in this case.

It seems like, at the very least, some way to get glib to release all
of its space before program termination so ccmalloc can see what's
left over would help a lot here.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University

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