Re: gtk-config

The Mango <> writes:

> Maybe someone can help me out.  I can run the gtk-config prog from the
> command line fine, but in something like, say:
> gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld 'gtk-config --cflags --libs'
> the first thing gcc spits back is "gcc: gtk-config --cflags --libs: file
> or directory not found"
> ive even tried it with just 'gtk-config' thinking its the parameters
> screwing it up, and tried it with the full path ( '/usr/bin/gtk-config
> --cflag...etc') and it still spit back that it wasnt found.. whats going
> on here?

Note that you have forward ticks: '

You need back ticks: `

The shell runs the contents of backticks as a command
and subsititutes in the result.


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