callback_type in gtk_item_factory_create_item


the only documentation for item_factory I could find is testgtk.  There
is an example for gtk_item_factory_create_items which contains no
parameter callback_type.  In the source it calls gtk_item_factory_create_item
with callback_type explicitely set to 1.  What is the sense of this
parameter?  It has only two valid vlues 1 or 2.  All others will be
ignored (cause errors).

Here are the relevant header informations:

void    gtk_item_factory_create_item    (GtkItemFactory         *ifactory,
                                         GtkItemFactoryEntry    *entry,
                                         gpointer callback_data,
                                         guint callback_type);
void    gtk_item_factory_create_items   (GtkItemFactory *ifactory,
                                         guint n_entries,
                                         GtkItemFactoryEntry    *entries,
                                         gpointer callback_data);

Kind regards


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