CList & Style file question

Hi !

I have been working on the Xlogmaster the past few days and it is
essentially GTK+ 1.2.0 compliant now.

Unfortunately this broke some of the style things internally, it
seems. Now the GtkText widget doesn't display the text in the right
colors anymore. Instead of displaying them in black , red and slight
blue it display them with blue backgrounds of different intensities
with the same foreground color. Anyone knowing the changes between
1.0.x and 1.2.x off the top of his/her head ?

My second questions concerns the GtkCList. I attach data to certain
rows of my GtkCList and I would like a routine to be called upon
destruction of a row so I can safely free the memory used by the data
again. Any "standard" / "clean" way of doing this ? 


Georg C. F. Greve <>
"One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is
Microsoft-bashing."            - Vinod Valloppillil (Microsoft)
                                           Halloween Document I

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