Re: [gtk-list] gmodule problem on FreeBSD 3.1


On Wed, Mar 10, 1999 at 02:07:03PM +0000, Joe Jacobson wrote:
> Now the question is how do I apply this to make the rest of GNOME work
> (and anything else using gmodule)?  Is this a problem with gtk/glib, imlib,
> or something else?  Perhaps libtool?   Libtool (1.2e) seems to know about
> the -export-dynamic flag, but never seems to use it.

The problem is in glib/  Look at
/usr/ports/devel/glib12/patches/patch-ad.  Glib should be adding the
-Wl,-E (which is what -export-dynamic does) to the LDFLAGS for gmodule
on FreeBSD (and Linux most likely... unless that's what -rdynamic does.)


  |   "Come home my prodigal son, come home and lets be one,
--+--  don't want to see you cry, don't make me tell you why,
  |    you've lived in a house with me, my blood has set you free,
  |    in the world you'll surely die, nothing else will satisfy." -MIC

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