Re: [gtk-list] menufactory + rightjustify?

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Jens Askengren wrote:

> Can I rightjustify a menuitem using the menufactory (GtkMenuEntry /
> gtk_menu_factory_new()) or must this be done the hard way using
> gtk_menu_new() ?

use the <LastBranch> tag as the item identifier:

  { "/File",          NULL,           NULL,     0,        "<Branch>" },
  { "/File/New",      "<ctrl>N",      callback, 0,        "<Item>" },
  { "/File/Open...",  "<ctrl>O",      callback, 1,        "<Item>" },
  { "/Help",          "",             NULL,     0,        "<LastBranch>" },
  { "/Help/About...", "",             callback, 3,        "<Item>" },

> Jens


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