Re: [gtk-list] Re: Croatian translations

> Will those translations work out of the box if it's only a .po file?
> Croatian needs ISO 8859-2, and GTK will by default use ISO 8859-1
> code page. Is there a way to set Latin 2 as default code page?
> Besides, there is a font problem. If I'm not mistaken, GTK uses
> Helvetica as default font. I work on Solaris and Solaris doesn't
> provide Latin 2 Helvetica. I don't know about other Unixes, but
> I suspect there will be the same problem on a number of them.
> Solaris has Latin 2Arial, which is a reasonable replacement for
> Helvetica, but I don't know if there is a way to tell GTK to use it.
> It would be a piece of cake if GTK used X resources, but since it
> doesn't, how does one set this kind of things?

If you can figure out which standart font is colsest to standart ISO
8859-1 then make (I am not sure about lang. symbol, should it
be hr or cr?) and ask someone to make it part of Gtk+. Right now there
are just, gtkrc.ko, and gtkrc.ja and they are installed in
$(prefixs)/etc/gtk/ directory

File should look like that:

style "default" {
       fontset = "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*,\

class "GtkWidget" style "default"


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