Re: [gtk-list] Graphical stacking problem..

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, V G Prasad [ext 294] wrote:
> I want to place widgets on top of existing widgets. i am using a GtkLayout widget.
> The widget stacking I want is as follows:
> main_window->GtkLayout->GtkNoteBook->GtkPixmap.
> Is there a way to indicate to the widget kit  to draw the Pixmap always on the top?. Right now I am creating the pixmap as a child of layout and thus is getting masked of by the  notebook.

What effect are you trying to create? You're fighting the toolkit every
step of the way here, this is most likely not a good idea.

You could make the notebook a child of the layout, then the pixmap, but
I'm not sure the stacking order is defined. In any case it's a bad hack
and there's probably a better way if you tell us more generally what you
want to achieve.


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