Re: [gtk-list] Regarding GTK+ program size ...

> Resent-Cc: 
> MBOX-Line: From  Wed Jun 16 12:12:12 1999
> Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:40:45 -0400 (EDT)
> From: William R Pentney <pentney@cse.Buffalo.EDU>
> Hello -
>  I am new to GTK+, and while I find it very useful, it seems to result in
> some compiled binaries of ridiculous size. The "Hello World" example in
> the GTK+ tutorial, for example, comes out to about 300K when I compile it.
> Is there any way to reduce the mammoth size of GTK+ compiled binaries?
> - thanks, Bill

Are you certain you're using shared libraries - does "ldd executable"
list the gtk shared libraries?

And have you stripped the debugging information - strip "executable"?

I've got a fairly significant gtk app I wrote - using shared
libraries, it's still over 700K if I include debugging symbols, but
after running strip on it, it's only 166K.


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