Re: [gtk-list] Passing data to callback via item factory

"Scott A. Barron" wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking through the tutorial and testgtk.c and missing one crucial point
> regarding item factory created menus.  How do I pass my data to the call back I
> connect to an item?  I understand how to specify the callback, and I'm not too
> sure what the call back actions paramter is.  Can someone shed some light on
> this for me?  I'd like to convert my normal menu code to item factory code, but
> this is holding me up.  Thanks for any tips.
> -Scott
> --
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I ran into the same problem and the only way around it was to use an
array with data matching the menus and looping through
gtk_item_factory_create_item() manually. I don't know if there is a
reason not to do this, it seems that it would have been very easy to
implement in the first place and left out on purpose looking at the

for (i = 0; i < nmenu_items; i++) {
    menu_entry = menu_items + i;
    gtk_item_factory_create_item (item_factory, menu_entry,
				  *(callback_data + i), 2 );

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