Re: [gtk-list] Fonts question/consistency wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had some problems with consistent window layout using fonts,
> so I figured I'd bounce the problem across this list ...
> In my program, I do the following:
>      Gtk_Style Style;
>      GtkStyle  *style;
>      style = Style.gtkobj();
>      gdk_font_unref (style->font);
>      style->font = gdk_load_font ("-*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-...");
>      d_menuBarHandle->push_style (Style);
> This all works quite fine, but on my machine at work the dialog layouts
> are slightly screwed up. I've traced the code and gdk_load_font ()
> seems to return a valid pointer (at least not a NULL pointer), so it seems
> that the font is being loaded. However, I could swear that it's still using
> a bigger (default) font as the menus look too big and all my widgets
> suddently don't fit into my dialogs all of sudden.
> Both machines are running 1024x768 display, using Gtk 1.2.3 and Gtk--
> 1.0.1.
> Does anybody have any idea what could be going on here?
> Thanks
> --> Robert
> --
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¿ Do you specify the Resolutions X and Y in the font name ?

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