Re: [gtk-list] General GDK cluelessness (on my part)

I am using some GDK-Functions in the GtkDatabox Widget (Drawing
functions (colored lines/dots) on a drawing area)

You may look at it at

Roland Bock

Rob Huffstedtler wrote:
> I've been fiddling with GTK+/GDK for about a month now, and I have most of
> the GTK stuff down enough that I'm able to write simple apps with it and
> be fairly pleased with the result.  The GDK stuff is a bit harder, mostly
> because it is not as well documented.  I bought the Harlow book (which I
> have mixed feelings about) and it has been somewhat helpful, but there are
> a few things I just don't grok.
> I started working on a simple roleplaying game in the style of Ultima4
> using it.  Right now I'mw working on the map editor.  As long as I had the
> drawing for the map and such in the main module, everything was OK, but
> when I moved to an approach that seemed better from a software engineering
> perspective, things went down hill quickly.  I now am declaring my backing
> pixmap and my array of tile types in the main module and passing them into
> my drawing functions which are in my map.c module, but now it no longer
> draws the he tile s properly.  Running it in gdb, it looks like everything
> is doing whatit should.  I'll do everyone the favour of not posting all 12
> files of my source to the list :), but I can think of the following
> questions that might get me back on track if I can understand them:
> 1)What are some opinions as to where one should declare their backing
> pixmap, their configure and expose events, etc.  Should the pixmap be
> global or should it get passed around as a parameter?
> 2)The Harlow book uses a GdkRectangle called update_rectangle in the
> functions he uses for drawing.  He assigns it position , widht and height,
> but never does anything with it other than pass it into the
> gtk_widget_draw function.  Just guessing, the GdkREctangle is the area of
> the widget that needs to be redrawn?  Is this in the docs somewhere?  Did
> I just overlook it?
> 3)Does anyone have some sample code that uses GDK that isn't a huge
> application like GIMP?
> Lastly, if anyone wants to have a look at what I've done so far, you can
> download it from :
> - this is an older version that's
> less featureful but more workful
> - the current version.  It's got
> more stuff, but it doesn't work.
> Thanks for putting up with my stupid questions!
>   +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
>   =   Rob Huffstedtler          |     We now return to our regularly     +
>   +   (931) 596-3560            |        scheduled programming           =
>   =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
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