The Programmer's FAQ ? (was : Re: alignment oddity)

Hi, gtk-ers,

I want to know how many poeple would be interested in a Programmer
FAQ - the ideal companion for this list, something between the
turorial, the reference and the basic gtk FAQ.

[please, reply directly to me, even if you don't think it is a good 


Emmanuel DELOGET wrote:
-> As the well known Owen Taylor said...
-> ->(Would anybody like to write up a FAQ entry on aligning
-> ->labels?)
-> 	[off topic, as allways. If you want to get all my mails,
-> 	do a grep on 'off topic' :)]
-> 	Not in the GTK FAQ. I really think that the GTK FAQ 
-> 	presents some common problems in install, compile, and
-> 	first programs. There should be another FAQ, perhaps
-> 	some kind of Programmers FAQ, with code snippets, and so
-> 	on (in the spirit of the bsp tree FAQ, for example).
-> 	The question on this FAQ could look like :
-> 	<sect1><bf>How to</bf> set alignement and justification of a label widget ?
-> 	<p>
-> 	blah blah blah...
-> 	I want to know : does this seems to be a good idea or not ?
-> 	Yours,
-> ->
-> ->Regards,
-> ->                                        Owen

   Emmanuel DELOGET [pixel] pixel@{,}  ----  DotCom SA |
"On the last day, God created Linux. And Microsoft won its antitrust case"

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