Re: [gtk-list] Grabbing terminal output

>>>>> "Steven" == Steven Hibert <> writes:

    Steven> Here is my problem, If I call gcc from a program can I
    Steven> grab th eoutput it generated?

    Steven> If yes!  How?

	Get _Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment_ by Stevens
(Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-56317-7).  If the program you want doesn't
want a terminal, you could probably get away with using pipes (see
chapter 14).  Programs that expect terminal behavior (interrupt,
backspace, etc.; vi would be an example) may need to be run on a pty
(see chapter 19).

Fletch                |                                            __`'/|   |       "I drank what?" -- Socrates          \ o.O'
678 443-6239(w)       |                                            =(___)=
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