Re: [gtk-list] Call to g_print() causes Seg Fault

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Marc Fearby wrote:
> they're in a "Quiet Period" and they can't give access to them :-(  This
> is the URL for those interested:

Don't worry, the archives for gtk-list are broken anyway. :-) 

> I've never done any GTK programming before so I tried the "Hello World"
> tutorial from  When I compile this _basic_ program,
> it produces a "Segmentation Fault":

OK, strace isn't the diagnostic tool you want for this. You need to
compile the program and libraries with the '-g' option (libraries probably
are by default), then run the program in gdb and get a backtrace.

$ gdb ./programname
(gdb) run
(gdb) bt

I don't see a bug in the program, so 95% likely that your header files and
libraries don't match, so you get binary incompatibility and breakage.
Either that or a bug in the theme you're using or something like that.


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