strange expose event...

Hi everybody,

I'm stuck with a strange little problem concerning expose events.
I've recently started rewriting my start at an RPG in GTK.
I'd initialy started in Xlib... and had an event handler for the expose
event that worked, but when I made something similar in GTK I found
out that my drawing area widget generates expose events all the time,
not just when exposed after another window has been on top of it.
I can't find out how to stop it from doing so or how to filter the
events out, because the expose area is the whole drawing area, but such
an event could also occur when the whole area had been covered...
It's quite annoying... I can't simply refresh the window because that
makes my animations slow.
Does anybody know how to solve this?
I've included the part of my game that handles the widgets,
but that's probably not enough to figure it out, so here's a link to
a tar file of the whole thing:

Willem van Hage

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