Re: Canvas widget in GTK?

"Glenn Hutchings" <> writes:

> Anyone out there know if there are any plans for a canvas widget in
> GTK?  A widget where you can create graphics primitives (lines,
> circles, etc), like in Tcl/Tk.  Looks like there is one for Gnome,
> which strikes me as a bit strange -- since Gnome is built on GTK,
> why not implement the canvas at the GTK level?

The GNOME canvas uses some functionality that we didn't
want to require in the base portion of GTK+, at least
until they became more mature:

 - Image loading libraries
 - The libart library for anti-aliased rendering

If you want a canvas widget, however, you should definitely
use the GNOME one - there will not be another, different, canvas
widget added to GTK.

Using the Canvas from libgnome does not require you to
use any additional features of the GNOME libraries if
you don't want to.


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