Resizing windows on the fly

I'm attempting to resize a window on the fly - I've got a text widget which
the user may or may not want to be displayed and so on - and a function that
basically does


Which works great, except for the fact that where it was just becomes blank
screen space.

I could do a set_usize to make the window smaller, but I don't know how much
smaller to make it or if it would clip any of the other things off the screen.

Any suggestions on how to resize the screen according to widget size rather
than just using set_usize and working with pixels?  I've been checking the
tutorial and docs, and I've found a few promising functions under the
gtk_widget heirarchy on gtk's documentation, but they aren't documented. 

David Allen
Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet. -- Kin Hubbard 

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