Re: [gtk-list] selecting an item in a tree widget (fwd)

> I'm trying to create a tree widget that has an item selected when the
> window is popped up. I set up the tree widget (with all the subwidgets)
> and than select the item I want. Unfortunately both gtk_tree_select_item
> and gtk_tree_select_child cause a core dump when they are called.

Give us a code snippet. Does this happen when the signal is bound, caller, or
inside the signal handler? If you get a namespace clash and do something like

gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT( write_button ), "clicked"
		    GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC( write ), NULL );

this can cause a core dump.

"How wonderful! How mysterious                                   Programmer
 I carry wood! I draw water!"                   Loki Entertainment Software
 - Anonymous Tao poet

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