Re: [gtk-list] Re: Getting at widget toplevel parent...

Ron Forrester wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 03:41:58PM -0400, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > GtkWidget*   gtk_widget_get_toplevel  (GtkWidget      *widget);
> As usual, I found that just after sending the question out ;)
> However, it doesn't seem to be working. But I may have something else
> wrong. I am calling it against a widget that represents a menu item in
> the menu bar of an app. It doesn't return null, but I don't think it
> is returning the gtkwidget for the toplevel window.

Yes, gtk_widget_get_toplevel() doesn't work for menus, since each popup
menu is considered a 'toplevel' widget in GTK+.

Glade uses this instead:

/* This returns the toplevel window/dialog/menu that contains the given
   widget. It even walks up menus, which gtk_widget_get_toplevel() does not. */
glade_util_get_toplevel (GtkWidget *widget)
  GtkWidget *parent;

  for (;;)
      if (GTK_IS_MENU (widget))
        parent = gtk_menu_get_attach_widget (GTK_MENU (widget));
        parent = widget->parent;
      if (parent == NULL)
      widget = parent;

  return widget;


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