Re: [gtk-list] fork() with gtk ?

> Hello, i'm a new developper with gtk and i wish to use 
> something like fork() and execl for printing a document. Is 
> a function exist with gtk to do this ? In fact, i realize a 
> software which draw plots on a the screen and i want to 
> print them. If nothing exist with gtk, someone could give 
> me an example of execl using. My print command is "lpr 
> -Phpljps" but how use this.

    You can just use the fork()/exec() functions as usual.
    Take care of another problem that could arise if you
    use the exit() function instead of _exit() to quit
    the child process (basically, exit() closes file 
    descriptors, so calling it will break the X connection).


> Thanks for your help

> Bertrand Vanotti (

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