Re: [gtk-list] Gtk/Gtk--; was: Unidentified subject!

There really is no objective 'better'. It all depends on your needs. If
you want to develop GTK apps using plain C, use Gtk+. If you like C++
better and would like native support of interitance and polymorphism,
use Gtk-- or one of the other C++ bindings (VDK). I use Gtk-- and am
very happy with it. I've never tried VDK, so I can't really comment
on it ...

---> R

Ricardo Saul Rugerio Gutierrez <> on 07/09/99
08:24:17 PM

Please respond to

Subject:  [gtk-list] Unidentified subject!

     Hi list,

     If I want to develope an application on C++,

     what is better?, using GTK--?

     or there are many problems, if I'am using only GTK?.


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