pixmaps in gdk windows

I'm using gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d which works, but produces a warning
that I'm creating a pixmap with a null window.  The window that I'm passing
it is a gtk window, not a gdk window like it wants, so I give it 
mywindow->window pointing at a gdk_window element.  I've checked it, and it
is NULL.  After initializing, creating, and showing the window, the gdkwindow
element of it is still null.  

Should I do something like mywindow->window = gdk_window_new(....) and if
so, what args should I use?  Would creating a gdk window underneath my 
toplevel gtk window have any adverse side effects?


David Allen
All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power 
- Ashleigh Brilliant 

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