Progress not progressing ...


To quote the Online Doc :

Progress bars are used to show the status of an operation.

Ok, my operation is to analyse deeply a table in MySQL.

So I intended to update the progress bar each time an operation was done

The structure is something like this :

gfloat percentage=0.0;


        query=g_strdup_query("select .....");

        "then send the query ...."

        "operate on the result of the query"

        then :



But the progress bar is only update at once ! It seems that the update
is done at the end of the for loop, and then making the use of the
progress bar useless.

I was using 1.2.2 and decide to update to 1.2.3, but nothing changed.

So I thought : "there is something I'm writing wrongly"

and obviously my question  is : What ?

Thank you

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