Grey display in gtk_gl_area


I'm trying to use a gtk_gl_area (version 1.2.1) to display a two-dimensional
image in a window containing some other widgets (like buttons to perform
certain operations on the image).

I'm using glColor3f calls to set the color for the different objects that are
to be displayed in the gtk_gl_area widget, but when running the program under
Solaris 2.6, it seems that only the "red" component of each color is evaluated,
while the "blue" and "green" components are ignored. The "red" component seems
to be interpreted as a greyscale value, so the entire image consists of different
scales of grey. This is also the case in the zktor demo programme that comes
with gtk_gl_area: No color, just different shades of grey.

I tried my program on my Linux box at home, where everything worked just fine:
Not grey anymore, but the colors I expected.

What's wrong?

Best regards,
cu, Steffen 8-)

Steffen Boerm

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