Re: [gtk-list] ANNOUNCE: gFTP 1.0 is out

On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 10:23:51PM -0500, Brian Masney wrote:
> Hello,
>    I am pleased to announce the release of gFTP 1.0. You can download it off
> my website at

I haven't had a chance to try this out, but one of the (many) really cool
features of Anarchie (a cool Mac FTP client) is that you can paste (cmd-V) an
ftp://user:pass@hostname:port/path URL whilst the "Open Connection" dialog has
focus, and it will fill the fields in correctly. This is cool because you can
copy URLs from netscape, and paste them strait into the FTP client.


Ian McKellar 
Web Author / Programmer      Phone: +61 8 9389 6200
Harvest Road Communications    Fax: +61 8 9389 6201
PGPkey: finger  ICQ: 5628269

Tell me do you really know your brother man
Cause a heart speaks louder than a colour can
And why would you even shake a man's hand
If you're not going to help him stand
                            -- Ben Harper (Jah Work)

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