Re: [gtk-list] gdk_window_get_geometry issue.


> I am not sure if this is actually a bug, or just a missunderstanding on my
> part, but when running the code:
> (where window is the top level widget returned in this case from a call to
> gnome_app_new)
> --
> gdk_window_get_geometry (window->window, &os_x, &os_y, &os_w, &os_h,
> NULL);
> g_print("X:%d Y:%d W:%d H:%d\n",os_x,os_y,os_w, os_h);
> gdk_window_get_position(window->window,&os_x,&os_y);
> gdk_window_get_size(window->window,&os_w,&os_h);
> g_print("X:%d Y:%d W:%d H:%d\n",os_x,os_y,os_w, os_h);
> --
> I noticed that while the size is the same for both get_geometry and
> get_size, the positions are wildly different.  It seems that get_position
> reports the actual position, while get_geometry reports 0,22.
> Actually that is not entirely true.  My test app prints this when it
> exits. If I open the application and close it again without moving it, 
> then _BOTH_ say 0,22 even though the app was started with something 
> like gtk_widget_set_uposition(100,100).  (and actually started at 100,100)

Today I had exactly the same problem and searched in my archive of
this mailing list for a solution. Now, I only found your posting with
the same question. After searching the GDK "documentation" a little
bit, I found the solution for both problems:

  gdk_window_get_root_origin (window, &x, &y);
It stores the correct position - including the window manager
border offset - in x and y. And you get the correct value without
the requirement to move the window first, as well.

Altough I got the same value 22 during my tests, it is not hard wired
and depends on the window manager. If I increase the font size for the
window title (I'm using the Window Maker, btw), the value is increased

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