Re: [gtk-list] popup menus

Lee Mallabone wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if someone could provide an example or URL of an FAQ on
> creating menus that popup at the mouse position when right-clicking on a
> clist/ctree.
> One way I had tried was to capture the right click event and
> gtk_widget_show an already created menu at the current mouse position.
> However, from the results I've been getting (ie. it's not working yet),
> I have a feeling I'm going completely in the wrong direction.
That's what I am doing and it's working fine.
I am using gtk_menu_popup to print it.

If there is a better way to do it let me know.

Ronan BOURLIER				phone : +1 (248) 357 0657
Radioss Consulting Corporation		fax   : +1 (248) 357 2962
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