Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk_spin_buttons and focus changes

On 4 Jan 1999, Dave Cole wrote:
> >>>>> "Osku" == Osku Salerma <> writes:
> Osku> Browsing through the source code the spinbutton's internal value
> Osku> is only updated when the widget gets a focus_out event. Now
> Osku> that's bad since it doesn't get a focus_out event if a user
> Osku> types some text into the entry list and then clicks one of the
> Osku> above buttons. Shouldn't the get_value functions check if the
> Osku> text has been modified and if it has been, update the internal
> Osku> value?
> I brought this up quite a while ago too.  I guessed that it might have
> something to do with the value not being reliable while the user is
> editing the entry contents.  It might be a bit annoying if while in
> the process of editing the value, it kept jumping forwards/back to
> the min/max value of the spin adjustment.
> Note that I never received any response, so it is still a guess.

Note that I didn't propose that the internal value be updated every
time the user edits the text, only that the get_value functions should
check if the value needs updating. That wouldn't cause the trouble
with the value changing magically while you're editing it.

Osku Salerma - -
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

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