ANNOUNCE: GTK+ 1.1.16 Released

GTK+ 1.1.16 is now at:
GLib and GTK+ are approaching stable series 1.2.x.  Please
test this version and report bugs.  For information on reporting
bugs, please read the README file in the distribution.
A list of incompatible changes with GTK+ 1.0 can be found at  Read this to adapt
your code.

Test this version!  The next version might be 1.2.0.

Overview of Changes in GTK+ 1.1.16:

* Major fixes and improvements for handlebox
* A change to the way widget->requisition works. Now,
  widget->requisition is always what the widget requested,
  unmodified by the usize. See Changes-1.2.txt for details.
  This correct various bugs with gtk_widget_set_usize().
* Fixes for XIM on X11R5 systems
* Don't allow cut-and-paste of text in password-style entries
* --enable-debug is now on by default for the development releaes.
  (When compiling for "production", use --enable-debug=minimum)
* Handle systems where Helvetica is not present more gracefully
* Fixes for memory leaks
* CList and CTree fixes
* Bug fixes for drawing problems. 
* Miscellaneous bug fixes to GtkLabel, GtkCList, GtkCTree,
  GtkColorsel, Focusing, DND
* Tutorial improvements

The GTK+ Team

Shawn T. Amundson           

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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