Re: [gtk-list] Widget repository site

I'd vote for it.

Sean C. Rhea

                  --- Please respond to ---

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Bruno Mairlot wrote:

> Hello,
> I have an idea, and I'd like to expose it here, to know what the
> community think about it.
> I know that some advanced widget are beeing developped, like TextWidget,
> and other. I'd like for myself develop a special tree widget.
> These widget are usually not included with the main distribution on Gtk,
> and therefore it might be difficult to fully understand all the things
> around special widget.
> My idea is the following I suggest a Web site that would act like a
> repository for these widgets and the documentation and so on...
> Those who are developping such widgets could insert the new URL, ...
> Actually it would be the same as the Gimp plug-ins repository. I don't
> know if such a site already exists, but if not I'd be delighted to bring
> this to Gtk.
> I think we could discuss the idea in this list, and once it is agreed or
> not, we'll keep talking privately, waiting the opening of the site. It
> shouldn't be too long.
> Well,
> Thanks
> Bruno Mairlot
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