Widget repository site


I have an idea, and I'd like to expose it here, to know what the
community think about it.

I know that some advanced widget are beeing developped, like TextWidget,
and other. I'd like for myself develop a special tree widget.

These widget are usually not included with the main distribution on Gtk,
and therefore it might be difficult to fully understand all the things
around special widget.

My idea is the following I suggest a Web site that would act like a
repository for these widgets and the documentation and so on...

Those who are developping such widgets could insert the new URL, ...

Actually it would be the same as the Gimp plug-ins repository. I don't
know if such a site already exists, but if not I'd be delighted to bring
this to Gtk.

I think we could discuss the idea in this list, and once it is agreed or
not, we'll keep talking privately, waiting the opening of the site. It
shouldn't be too long.



Bruno Mairlot

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