Re: [gtk-list] Re: Error linking on Solaris:

Gert Scholten wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, Drazen Kacar wrote:

>:That still doesn't tell us which link editor you use. Try
>:gcc -v `/net/public/bin/gtk-config --libs` -o gMOO *.o
>:and look for /usr/ccs/ld or /some/other/directory/ld
> Ok, big output:

Ok, Sun's linker.

> $ uname -a
> SunOS galjas 5.5.1 Generic_103640-19 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-2    

First the obvious non-solution:
That is Solaris 2.5.1. If you upgrade to 2.6 or 7, you won't have that
problem, since dx_flush_batch doesn't exist there. I had trouble finding
2.5.1 system, but there is still one around. dx_flush_batch is in libX11,
so the only explanation I see is that you have or libX11.a in
/usr/ccs/lib or /usr/lib or /usr/local/public/lib. And that library is
not the same as the one in /usr/openwin/lib which should be linked in.

Or your in /usr/openwin/lib doesn't have that function, which
would be very strange. You can check that with:

nm /usr/openwin/lib/ | grep dx_flush_batch

> Hope this helps you help me

It's weird. I really have no usable idea.

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