Re: [gtk-list] Re: check button MS-Windows style.

>Something like this:
>Unchecked   Checked
> +-----+    +-----+
> |     |    |\   /|
> |     |    | \ / |
> |     |    |  X  |
> |     |    | / \ |
> |     |    |/   \|
> +-----+    +-----+

These aren't particularly good. Does the X mean that it's crossed out, or what?

If you want unambiguous (and looking pretty good, too), take a leaf out of 
XView's book. That used an empty square for off, and a square with a tick in 
it for on.

(XView was in fact a very nice-looking widget set, and way before its time. Is 
there an XView-lookalike Gtk theme?)

+- David Given ---------------McQ-+ 
|  Work:         | Disclaimer: We have no wish to offend you
|  Play:         | unless you're a twit.                      
+- -+ 

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