Re: [gtk-list] autoconf/m4 troubles

> I've created the and the files in all 
> relevent directories, I've run aclocal.  After I run aclocal, 
> I run autoconf and get an error saying something like this:
> (don't have the exact error message right now)
> m4: maximum recursion limit of 250 exceeded, use -L<N> to override

I've run into that same exact problem before, writing autoconf macros. I
was trying out creative ways of quoting/escaping strings in m4, and it was
a line much like one of the following that gave the error:

echo `$1'
echo ``$1''

The `' characters (note, symmetric!) are m4's native quote delimiters, and
using them in autoconf space (where the normal quote characters are []) 
somehow made m4 very unhappy.

I'd guess you have an unbalanced/asymmetric apostrophe pair hiding
somewhere, especially if you're doing weird things with command
substitution. If it's not that, then I'm as stumped as you are :]

Hope this helps,


                       //,,    //,,
//=================// //////  ////// //==================================\\
 Straker Skunk     / //////  ////// /      Skunks are such wonderful
 <>  / //////  ////// /     creatures... soft, and cuddly,
 -- -- -- -- -- --\ \\\\\\  \\\\\\ \      and if you annoy them they
 Daniel Richard G. \ \\\\\\  \\\\\\ \      make you stink like hell
 ========--====--==-\ \\\\\\  \\\\\\ \---------------=--==--====--========
 //  / //////  ////// / Furry|Course VI-3|MIT Class of 2001
 //   / //////  ////// / 80% Beaver 90% Penguin 100% SKUNK!!!
\\===============// //////  ////// //====================================//
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