Data conversion to Image

I have a 2d dimensional grid of 8 bit weather radar data which I need to
display in a gtk_drawing_area. I've succeeded in doing this with the
following code, but I suspect there must be a more efficient way to do
this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

There are also a few questions in the code that I'd appreciate info on.
GdkColor colmap[]=
        // pixel     red        greeen blue
// Allocate colors
    // Generate the pixel value, I thought that
gdk_colormap_alloc_color, was suppposed to do this
    // but it only seems to work if I do it.
    colmap[i].pixel = ((colmap[i].red&0xff00)<8)||
    // Allocate color map, I'm not clear what this does or why it is
necessary on a 24 bit display, any info
    // would be appreciated.


//Plot the image one pixel at a time
        int col = colorfunc(data[x][y]);        // Select which color
from colmap to use for this pixel
        // Set the foreground color

        // Plot the point



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