Re: [gtk-list] Re: Tab completion in Combo box ?

On 10 Aug 1999, Preben Randhol wrote:
> One have to press ALT+Tab to get the built-in completion. Don't
> understand how I overlooked that. But the problem with the keybinding
> sequence is that it is frequently used by Window Managers to cycle
> through windows. 

I think it would be nice if I could configure "my system" to use whatever
keys I choose for changing focus, and tab completion and such. I'm more
used to having TAB to "complete" and Alt+TAB to switch windows than
I am to having TAB and Shift+TAB cycle through the widgets. Thus I would
like to be able to configure GTK+ on a systemlevel to use Control+Down
and Control+Up for those things instead (just an example), instead of
having it forced upon me.


Per Erik Stendahl

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