accelerator or signal_connect question


as the gtk1.2-docu about the accelerator_group is rather poor at the
moment I have a question:

situation: main_window with notebook and lots of entries
problem: make the F18 (F18) key-events trigger the
gtk_editable_paste_clipboard (copy) and paste into
                  the one entry which is activated at the moment or
above which the mouse pointer is.

Do I have to connect each single entry with

gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (entry), "key_press_event",
        GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (paste_procedure),

but how can I make the paste_procedure remember into which entry the
clipboard shall be pasted?

Besides: I have tried to set up an accelerator_group with gtk1.2 but I
dont understand the short
(missing) descriptions in the gtk-reference. Does anyone have a short
example of a simple use of
a accelerator_group or a doku?

Daniel Hops

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