Re: [gtk-list] windows sizing

On Sat, 7 Aug 1999, Sackwitz, Antje wrote:
> Hi,
> How do you maximize programmatically a window without the maximize
> button?
> How do you disable window functions minimize,maximize, close_window
> (three buttons top right corner of each window)?

You can't do any of these unless you have a window manager that supports
some way to do it. This is entirely up to the window manager.

Sometimes gdk_window_show(gtkwindow->window) will deiconify a window.
There may also be a standard way to disable the close button, some apps
seem to do it, but I don't think Gtk supports it so you'd have to use
Xlib calls via gdk/gdkx.h. Emacs iconifies itself if you control-Z (at
least with my WM), but again I think you'd have to use Xlib - I don't know
what Emacs does to get the behavior.

But basically you can't do this easily, and you probably shouldn't anyway
since users should be able to iconify or close your app if they want. (If
it's a kiosk application or something, consider not running a window
manager or putting the app in override redirect mode (like a screensaver)
or something like that.)


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