Re: [gtk-list] ctree right-click question wrote:
> I'm using the ctree widget, and would like to make use of the right mouse
> button.  What I want to do is select a row and have a popup window come
> up.  Now getting the popup menu to appear when I right click is easy, the
> problem I am having is in selecting the ctree row.  Is there anyway to
> determine which row the mouse is "over"?
> Thanks
> -chris
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> Christopher Rogers
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Here is a small section of c++ code (using gtk--) that gets
the row_data from the item the mouse is over.  Hopefully you
can figure out how to convert this to C. I you can't, let me
know and I'll try to convert it. 

This function is the one I call on the button press.

Hope this helps,

TreeView::createTreeMenu ( GdkEventButton * event ) 

  // get the item under the mouse
  RowDataType *     row_data = 0;
  gint              row;
  gint              column;

  if ( ctree -> get_selection_info ( event -> x, event -> y, &row,
&column ) )
    row_data = static_cast < RowDataType * > 
	( ctree -> node_get_row_data ( ctree -> get_node ( row ) ) );


   | Todd Dukes                      E-MAIL: |
   | Motorola Somerset                  Phone:   (512) 424-8008 |
   | 6200 Bridgepoint Parkway Building #4 MS OE70               |
   | Austin, Texas 78730                                        |

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