Text Widget Border "Beauty-Bug"

Hi everybody,

I think I found something you can call a "beauty bug" in the Text

I wrote a little programm which displayes a window with 2 text widgets. 
Then I run it and clicked on an other window on my desktop (e.g. xterm).
Then I moved the xterm-window partly over my window with the 2 text
When I moved the xterm-window back from my the window of my program the
borders of the 2 text widgets looked really weird. One part had thick
lines and the part which was covered by the xterm-window had thin lines.
When I activated again the window of my own program the graphices of the
active text widget was updated and the lines looked fine again, but the
inactive text widget still has had this "half thick - half thin"

Well, it's not a real BUG, but it really does look ugly!

I hope this is the right mailing list for such stuff. If not, please let
me know!



PS: I'm a gtk newbie, I didn't look at the sources, so please be patient
with me. Furthermore I'm german, so Entschuldigung for my English baby

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