Layout problems using Frames
- From: Robert_Gasch/PeopleSoft peoplesoft com
- To: gtk-list redhat com
- Subject: Layout problems using Frames
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 13:56:39 +0200
Hi Guys,
attached is a (Gtk--) program which starts to fill a dialog window
with a bunch of stuff, including a preview. I have added
this preview (d_preview) to a frame (d_previewFrame), but the
frame insists on filling the frame it is in turn part off.
How can I get the preview frame to hug the preview tightly?
All the interesting code for this is in insertPreview().
Thanks a lot
--> Robert
------------------------- cut here ------------------------
#include <gtk--.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
class GuiDialogPreview : public Gtk_Dialog
GuiDialogPreview (char *winTitle, char *frameTitle,
int tableX, int tableY);
~GuiDialogPreview ();
virtual void buildDialogWindow ();
void insertPreview ();
void clearPreview ();
void setupVBox ();
virtual void fillVBox ();
virtual void fillActionArea ();
virtual void buttonCallbackOK ();
virtual void buttonCallbackApply ();
virtual void buttonCallbackCancel ();
virtual void checkboxCallbackPreview ();
virtual gint delete_event_impl (GdkEventAny *);
int d_size,
Gtk_VBox d_vBoxPreview;
Gtk_Button d_btnOK,
Gtk_CheckButton d_cbUsePreview;
Gtk_Frame *d_baseFrame,
Gtk_Preview *d_preview;
Gtk_Table *d_table;
char *d_winTitle,
GuiDialogPreview::GuiDialogPreview (char *winTitle, char *frameTitle,
int tableX, int tableY) :
d_vBoxPreview (FALSE, 0),
d_btnOK ("OK"),
d_btnApply ("Apply"),
d_btnCancel ("Cancel"),
d_cbUsePreview ("Use Preview")
if (winTitle)
d_winTitle = strdup (winTitle);
d_winTitle = strdup ("GuiDialogOAC Window");
d_frameTitle = strdup (frameTitle); // required
d_baseFrame = d_previewFrame = d_optionsFrame =
d_previewGroupFrame = NULL;
d_preview = NULL;
d_size = 100;
d_frameBorder = 4;
d_table = new Gtk_Table (tableX, tableY, FALSE);
this->set_position (GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE);
GuiDialogPreview::~GuiDialogPreview ()
if (d_winTitle) free (d_winTitle); // c-type alloc from strdup
if (d_frameTitle) free (d_frameTitle); // c-type alloc from strdup
if (d_baseFrame) delete d_baseFrame;
if (d_previewFrame) delete d_previewFrame;
if (d_preview) delete d_preview;
if (d_table) delete d_table;
* buildDialogWindow:
void GuiDialogPreview::buildDialogWindow ()
this->set_usize (400, 225);
this->set_title (d_winTitle);
this->get_vbox()->set_border_width (2);
setupVBox ();
insertPreview ();
fillVBox ();
fillActionArea ();
d_baseFrame->show ();
this->show ();
* setupVBox: setup the basic frame of the vbox
void GuiDialogPreview::setupVBox ()
d_baseFrame = new Gtk_Frame (d_frameTitle);
d_baseFrame->set_shadow_type (GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
d_baseFrame->set_border_width (0);
this->get_vbox()->pack_start (*d_baseFrame, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
d_baseFrame->show ();
this->get_vbox()->show ();
* insertPreview: insert the preview into the main frame/vbox
void GuiDialogPreview::insertPreview ()
// d_hBoxList is the box everything else is inserted into
d_baseFrame->add (*d_table);
// build Frame and add it to view
d_previewFrame = new Gtk_Frame ();
d_previewFrame->set_shadow_type (GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
d_previewFrame->set_border_width (2);
d_preview = new Gtk_Preview (GTK_PREVIEW_COLOR);
d_preview->size (d_size, d_size);
d_previewFrame->add (*d_preview);
d_vBoxPreview.pack_start (*d_previewFrame, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
// setup checkbutton
d_cbUsePreview.set_active (TRUE);
connect_to_method (d_cbUsePreview.clicked, this, &checkboxCallbackPreview);
d_vBoxPreview.pack_start (d_cbUsePreview, FALSE, FALSE, 0); ();
// add vbox to bounding Frame
d_previewGroupFrame = new Gtk_Frame ("Preview");
d_previewGroupFrame->set_border_width (d_frameBorder);
d_previewGroupFrame->add (d_vBoxPreview);
// add everything together and show it
d_table->attach (*d_previewGroupFrame, 1, 2, 1, 4);
// second frame
d_optionsFrame = new Gtk_Frame ();
d_optionsFrame->set_shadow_type (GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
d_optionsFrame->set_border_width (2);
d_table->attach (*d_optionsFrame, 3, 6, 1, 3);
d_optionsFrame->show ();
d_preview->show ();
d_previewFrame->show (); ();
d_previewGroupFrame->show ();
d_table->show ();
clearPreview ();
void GuiDialogPreview::clearPreview ()
guchar *row = new unsigned char [3*d_size];
for (int i=0; i<d_size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<d_size; j++)
row[j*3]=(int) (255.0/d_size*i);
row[j*3+1]=(int) (255.0/d_size*i);
row[j*3+2]=(int) (255.0/d_size*i);
d_preview->draw_row (row, 0, i, d_size);
delete [] row;
* fillVBox: fill the previously set-up vbox which remains to be filled
void GuiDialogPreview::fillVBox ()
* fillActionArea: fill the dialog's action area
void GuiDialogPreview::fillActionArea ()
connect_to_method (d_btnOK.clicked, this, &buttonCallbackOK);
this->get_action_area()->pack_start (d_btnOK, TRUE, TRUE, 0); ();
connect_to_method (d_btnApply.clicked, this, &buttonCallbackApply);
this->get_action_area()->pack_start (d_btnApply, TRUE, TRUE, 0); ();
connect_to_method (d_btnCancel.clicked, this, &buttonCallbackCancel);
this->get_action_area()->pack_start (d_btnCancel, TRUE, TRUE, 0); ();
void GuiDialogPreview::buttonCallbackOK ()
cout << "GuiDialogPreview: Default Callback OK\n";
void GuiDialogPreview::buttonCallbackApply ()
cout << "GuiDialogPreview: Default Callback Apply\n";
void GuiDialogPreview::buttonCallbackCancel ()
this->hide ();
void GuiDialogPreview::checkboxCallbackPreview ()
if (!d_cbUsePreview.get_active())
d_preview->set_sensitive (FALSE);
d_previewFrame->set_sensitive (FALSE);
d_preview->set_sensitive (TRUE);
d_previewFrame->set_sensitive (TRUE);
gint GuiDialogPreview::delete_event_impl (GdkEventAny *)
this->hide ();
return (0);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
Gtk_Main gtkMain (&argc, &argv);
GuiDialogPreview *testDialog;
testDialog = new GuiDialogPreview ("Default Title",
"Default Message", 6, 4);
testDialog->buildDialogWindow ();
testDialog->show (); ();
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